Programs Compared
Stage 1 Investor Portfolios
The Stage 1 Investor Portfolios are designed to provide a rich depth of investment management at a reduced entry level.
If you are just starting out or using this as a program to help diversify other investments, this may be a good fit.
$25,000 minimum per account ($100,000 maximum)
* Some positions must be held for at least 60 days to qualify.
Stage 2 Investor Portfolios
The Stage 2 Investor Portfolios have been optimized with a greater diversity of investments.
This program may be best suited as a core portfolio for long-term investors.
Stage 2 Portfolios have an expanded selection of actively managed funds which are thoroughly researched to enhance diversification.
All of the benefits of Stage 1 Portfolios – PLUS:
$100,000 minimum per account
Basic Schedule of Annual Fees (Paid on pro-rata monthly basis)
Up to $100,000 – 1.25 % Fee
Over $100,000 – 1.00 % Fee
Over $100,000 – 1.00 % Fee
Example: The blended rate for a $200,000 account will be 1.125 %